Encrypting files

KodaMail uses the Open Source OpenPGP library developed by openPGPjs.org.
KodaMails encryption is compatibble with gpg4win (Kleopatra), Mailvelope and ProtonMail.

You can encrypt or decrypt a file from the kodamail tab using either Public / Private key or symmetric keys.

Select the 'Encrypt Decrypt Files' link

This show a file being encrypted with a public key, first you will be asked for the key's ID - select email

Then it will show you the Public keys for that email:

Select the Public key and then you can encrypt or add another public key. One of the advantages of public key encryption is that you can encrypt the same file with multiple public keys, each recipient of the file will be able to decrypt with their corresponding Private key.

To decrypt, select the file and you will be asked for the passphrase to decrypt, this example shows a decryption with a Private key - it shows the Public key ID that was used to encrypt. If it was symmetrically encrypted (aes 256) it would just show the passphrase request box.

The decrypted file name is renamed without the encryption extension ('.gpg' or .aes256') and placed in your downloads folder. eg 'myimage_encrypted_by_kodamail.png.gpg' is renamed 'myimage.png'.
a zip file: 'myzip_encrypted_by_kodamail.zip.aes256' is renamed: 'myzip.zip'.

If encrypting with AES 256 give the pass phrase to the receiver of the email in person, don't send it by email or text!