Track emails
Individual messages in threads,
Links and attachments,
Instant Desktop Notifications
Track in thread
Track messages in threads
Instant Desktop Notifications
Schedule emails
Use Gmail Scheduler to track email.
Password protect attachments
Download only allowed with password set by you (optional),
Prevent future downloads,
View download times.
Encrypt mail
Public, Private Key encryption using (PGP)
RSA or ECC curve encryption.
Or Symmetric AES 256 encryption.
How to encrypt using Public Key PGP or AES 256
Easy browser based key creation and management.
Encrypt and attach files.
Kodamail extension not required to decrypt AES 256, recipients can decrypt email at message decryption or files at: file decryption.
Encrypt and Decrypt files
Public, Private Key encryption Or Symmetric AES 256 encryption using (PGP)
Encrypting a file using either Public Key PGP or AES 256-encryption
Easily encrypt or decrypt files files securely in Gmail, click on the kodamail tab in Gmail to start.
Virtually any file can be encrypted, want to encrypt a folder? just zip the folder and then encrypt it.
Not sure how to zip? this article show you: how to zip files in windows 10.
Signing an email
If you have created a Public Private Key pair, you can sign an email with your Private key and then the recipient can check the authenticity using the Public Key.
You can read more here: Signing an email.
Track using Confidential mode
Track email using Gmails 'confidential mode' (optional).
You can also encrypt an email and/or sign using confidential mode.
Link Gmail accounts
If subscribed under the 'Gold' plan you can link 3 additional gmail accounts to yours.
You can read more here:
Linking multiple gmail accounts